I snapped a few pictures out the window of my plane as it was landing yesterday after my weekend in Detroit. We always get a kick that the main landing pattern at BWI almost always brings us in over the Magothy. When the kids are with me, they try to be the first one to see our house. I was on the wrong side of the plane for the money shot this time, but I got a few closeups of the river, and a couple more distant shots of the Cape and Baltimore.
It's clear from the air that peak power boating season is over and fall sailing is in full swing. These are some of our favorite boating days of the year with the drop in humidity and temperatures and the brilliant blue skies. The shoreline also starts to get colorful as the leaves change. The landing path doesn't take you right over Annapolis, so I couldn't get a look at the power boat show downtown. I missed it this year, but my husband and I typically take in the show for our anniversary which always falls on the same weekend.
Looking toward Baltimore/Key Bridge |
Upper Magothy with Patapsco and Baltimore at the top |
Home Sweet Home. Labels that are hard to make out are
Broadneck High to right and Bay Hills Golf Course in the foreground |
Dobbins Island with Gibson Island behind |
Looking out the Magothy toward the Bay |
Here are a couple others of the Magothy - looking down on Dobbins (at the very bottom of the first picture and further right in the second). Note the dark spot in the water in the two pictures. I asked Henry what he thought they were. His first enthusiastic guess was a monster in the Magothy, but upon further inspection, we both decided it must be the shadow of my airplane. Cool! Although he thought a monster would have been cooler.
Airplane shadow to right of small island |
Airplane shadow lower center |
1 comment:
Great photos, Christy ... I just flew over the area on my return trip from NYC yesterday but did not have a camera. Thanks for sharing these photos.
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