Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cape Calendar Photo Contest

For any of you aspiring photographers out there, the Cape St. Claire Calendar Photo Contest is accepting entries for this year's community calendar.  I saw a sign on the window at True Value. Photos are due by October 7th and can be turned in at True Value.  You can get details about the contest there as well.  In the past, they've required an 8 X 10 color or black and white photo (it will be printed in black and white on the calendar).  The prize is (or at least it was) $100 for the winner.  Nice!  They also used to print the finalists in the Caper, but we don't see as much of the Caper these days.  Perhaps I can get hold of the winning shots and post them on the Cape Blogger.

I'll take this opportunity to toot my horn by mentioning that I won the contest several years back.  I had just bought my first digital camera and had delusions of being a photographer (just like I bought my first laptop and have delusions of being a blogger).  It just goes to show, if you snap enough pictures (and you have that luxury with a digital camera), you will inevitably take a good one.  It also helps to have good photo editing software (all the old school photographers are cringing...).

Take your camera with you if you're staying close to home over Labor Day weekend, and look for a winning subject.  The weather should be great if Earl minds his own business.  Or, take a look through your summer photos and see if you caught a quintessential Cape moment this summer.  We all have one buried in our My Pictures or iPhoto directories, somewhere...

Cape Calendar 2003

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